
Who We Are

Lynne Doneley from Associated Christian Schools kindly offers support to our Queensland member school, in a local context. CEN is very grateful to Lynne for her warm and practical support of our member school.

Christian Education National consists of one school in Queensland. CEN provides services to assist our schools to be Christ-centred educational communities. We are deeply committed to seeing the young people of Queensland educated in an holistic manner in which faith and culture are rigorously engaged. 

Our schools are renowned for their pastoral care and attention to the whole person as well as their commitment to a high standard of teaching and learning. CEN Queensland specialises in providing this from within a uniquely Christian context and offers the following services:

Governance Training

Compliance and accountability

Professional learning and training

State and national conferences; equipping boards and staff; professional learning workshops and resources; networking.

Pastoral support

School visits and regular contact, listening to school stories, responding to the needs and current issues.

Upcoming Events

Click here for all upcoming events. 

Lynne Doneley
QLD State Support

QLD Schools